Applied Research for Practical Life
Your One-stop Quality Service Centre
For Legal & Migration, Educational & Writing Help and Health & Wellness Needs
Earned at and certified by High Qualifications
from leading institutions in Australia, USA and Asia,
including the MIT, Harvard, Sydney, ANU, Deakin, Griffith, Murdoch, USQ & Swinburne University of Technology.
Legal & Migration
Most affordable highest qualified expert legal advice, representation, case-research, legal communication & drafting - across a range of areas, including Immigration, Family Will & Business Employment issues. We speak a number of community languages other than English as well. Caring Service.
Special – Guidance & Help with PR & Citizenship for
those already on Students Visa.
Educational & Writing
Primary to Ph.D., diverse kinds of study assistance, including assignment and thesis/ dissertation research-help, editing, improving English and presentation, Tutoring across a range of subjects at different levels of education. Help writing books, letters. Language teaching & translation/ interpretation – English, Arabic, Bangla, Urdu, Malay, other.
Special Offer - Home-schooling Package Made &
Taught for individual or Group of Families.
Health & Wellness
Traditional & Complementary Medicine consultation and advice, Nutrition and Life-skills Coaching, Psychotherapy & Counselling – to complement any conventional treatment. Special attention on chronic conditions. Provided in light of expert knowledge from our Provider’s earned Australian qualifications.
Special – Online Psychoanalysis & ‘Talk-’therapy.
Also, Story-telling for Children.